Team Reptile
Based in Hilversum, Netherlands
Founding date:
September 1, 2011
Press / Business contact:
Team Reptile on Twitter
Lethal League Blaze
Megabyte Punch
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Lethal League
Team Reptile is a cold-blooded independent game developer founded to make original games with style.
Early historyTeam Reptile’s latest release is Lethal League Blaze on Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 and Xbox One as their second console title. The team started out on PC when they released Megabyte Punch on Steam in 2013. After a baseball-fighting game prototype got featured in the finals of the UFGT mystery game tournament, plans were made to release a full game. That game, Lethal League, released in 2014, turned into a big hit among fighting game fans as well as youtubers like Game Grumps, TotalBiscuit and PewDiePie. After finishing the port of Lethal League for PS4 and Xbox One in early 2017, Team Reptile released an in-house made teaser for Lethal League Blaze showing off the skills they gained in the meantime.
RecentWe are currently working on Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Teaser YouTube
Lethal League Blaze Console Trailer YouTube
Lethal League PS4 and Xbox One Trailer YouTube
Lethal League Release trailer YouTube
The Megabyte Punch Release trailer YouTube
There are far more images available for Team Reptile, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "Best Multiplayer Game 2014" - http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/rami-ismail-s-top-10-games-of-2014/1100-5134/
- "Dave Lang's Top 10 Games of 2014 " - http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/dave-lang-s-top-10-games-of-2014/1100-5139/
- "Jeff Gerstmann's Top 10 Games of 2014 " - http://www.giantbomb.com/articles/jeff-gerstmann-s-top-10-games-of-2014/1100-5133/
Selected Articles
- "5 quick tips for eSports games, from the devs behind Lethal League"
- Mike Rose, Gamasutra - "Podcast about Team Reptile and Lethal League"
- John Lindvay, Landon Durnan, BigSushi.FM - "Interview with PixelCake [DUTCH]"
- Kevin Eyken, PixelCake.nl
Additional Links
Dion on Twitter
@TR_Dion right here on http:.
Tim on Twitter
@RemmersTim right there on http:.
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks