We are not done with Lethal League Blaze just yet! But before we go into what comes next, a recap on what happened the past months.
At the end of September we had a community vote, which DLC outfit among Nitro, Grid and Switch would get released next. And Switch won by a landslide! This is his story:
One hot summer Switch was fed up with cruising the same old streets and decided to go on a skating roadtrip. Of course, he first made a quick detour to go pick up some spare parts at the Citynetics factory. Immediately after entering a server room Switch tripped, fell and short circuited his motherboard into a full-on robo-hallucination trip. As the ‘Mechranger’ he travelled many worlds and saw the true name of things. He recounted his tales to Raptor and told him how Rex is the founder of citynetics and turned Latch into a cyborg. Raptor responded “What are you even talking about you can of beans?”.
In October the community celebrated the second Blaze anniversary with a tournament sporting the largest prize pool in Lethal League history (just over $2000)! You can watch it back here.
And right after that we dropped the next DLC outfit alongside a big list of changes addressing your feedback survey input:
(as usual you can still add to and update your feedback)
- improved Dust and Ashes special
- can be used at lower speeds without buffer
- can pick Ashes direction earlier
- can control Dust during Ashes drop
- Ashes moves further the higher up you activate
- Ashes moves faster on the ground
- Ashes is smarter about bunting towards Dust
- steeper grounded down angle for Ashes
- special can no longer get stuck on a corpse
- improved movement
- pivot input is now up instead of down
- first run stop frame no longer ignores movement input
- Latch wall climb now has momentum on release
- Toxic attaches to the wall more easily
- first wall attach frames now accept action inputs (Latch, Raptor, Switch, Toxic)
- removed swing hitbox from placing a Toxic tag on the wall
- Toxic tag no longer disappears when her parry is grabbed
- added looping special activation effect to Nitro
- parries no longer turn invisible from online rollbacks
- removed ability to special a ball remotely
- Dust and Toxic deobfuscated for modding
- Corrected fixed camera setting for story mode comics
Fitting for Halloween, the latest DLC outfit is the Ivory Puppet: Killer. This one is for Latch, but it isn’t Latch himself!
High up in a seemingly abandoned skyscraper, on an empty floor without entrance there stands a single large closet. In that closet hangs a contraption, something from a time Toxic would rather not think about. Using the data she had found on Latch, she delved into questionable arts and created an ivory automaton. As a product of her mindstate at the time it turned erratic and hostile. Now it’s sealed away, set to activate if Toxic would ever be captured by the Shine City Police.
Console catch-up
The DLC release schedule for consoles is moving on. Not as fast as we’d like, but it’s moving!
So far the Late Stage Illmatic Outfit for Dice has arrived on all 3 consoles and the Nuclear Nourishment Outfit for Toxic has landed on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and the Japanese region for Nintendo Switch.

What happened to the other regions? The submission for a major patch got in the way of that process and now has to go through first.
The upside to this is that the Switch should receive a patch including everything up to the most recent changes from the Steam version before the other platforms!
Grid and Nitro will have a final showdown on the last November weekend. Keep an eye on our social media channels and vote for the one you want to be released next. The stakes are high! The loser will be last in line after Candyman and Jet.
And the winning outfit releases next together with new quality of life features for lobbies.