Fan-art Friday #3

Guess what. It’s Friday and we still have loads of incredible fan-art. Since today is a special day we will feature two artists!

First to enter the stage is this Sonata by Nekophelia. Sonata fan-art is quite rare so we were glad to find this piece. What a great style! Check out the rest of Nekophelia’s work here and follow her on twitter.

Even more rare is Dice fan-art. Douglas’ favorite character was Candyman until he started getting good at playing as Dice. So good that he dedicated this nice fan-art piece (he calls it a doodle) to him. Check out the rest of Douglas’ work here

You got some doodles we should see? Feel free to send your work to or share it with us on twitter or facebook.

Fan-art Friday #2

Check out these sick Latch, Candyman and Switch by Thomas Bramall. Our favorite for this set is definitely Switch. That’s exactly how Switch looks at you right before he destroys you with a kickflip.

We are always very excited to see fan-art from fellow game artists. Thomas is a Lead Character artist on Oddworld New ‘N’ Tasty and you can check out the rest of his work here or follow him on twitter @tombramall tda3d.tumblr.com2 tda3d.tumblr.com3


Did you drew some fancy fan-art too? Feel free to send your work to or share it with us on twitter or facebook.


Launch and future plans

To start off, Lethal League had a great launch, hitting the target we had set for a month in barely half a week. There’s a lively scene of players and it appears to be steadily growing. From competitive-heads wrecking rookies online in Quick Match to party-goers playing local Free For All battles. Here’s a big thank you from Team Reptile for playing our game and telling your friends!


Indieprize Showcase

Why would we go to Casual Connect 2014? We don’t make mobile or casual games, we don’t necessarily like F2P stuff. It felt we had no reason to go there at all even though it was only a few miles away from our office! Fortunately we were invited to show the current version of Lethal League at the Indieprize showcase hosted at Casual Connect 2014.

The location (Beurs van Berlage) was impressive and the main hall was reserved for all the indie developers (110!) who were invited. We had a great time meeting great developers, making new friends, party hard and of course showing the latest version of Lethal League which is currently in closed beta on Steam.

The response we received on the game was really impressive, we heard quite some oOoOOooOH, aAAAaaAH and other unidentifiable screams. It’s currently our most valuable measurement tool for defining the good things in the game. Also the word of mouth during the event was pretty effective. A lot of people kept returning to our booth to show this “insane” game to their friends and colleagues. All the positive attention the game got was pretty exciting and we would certainly be up for more!

Several other developers said this before but it doesn’t really matter what kind of event it is. If it’s an opportunity to showcase your game, go for it! We will continue showing Lethal League at several events this year so stay tuned to find out where we will be next!

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2014 will be good

2013 was a very exciting year for us. Dion and I successfully released our debut title Megabyte Punch which received a lot of great reviews and responses from the players…

We also left our tiny attic behind and we moved into a very decent new office in the heart of Hilversum. We were even ranked in the top 100 of “Europe’s most exciting game start-ups” by the Develop100.

Earlier this year our flash prototype version of Lethal League hyped up a lot of people and at the Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament. Last November we started the REAL Lethal League development at full force. You can follow the development here

2014 will be the year of Lethal League!

Lethal League will feature multiple characters, voice acting, unique abilities, different levels, native controller support, high performance online GGPO multiplayer (up to 4 players), a banging soundtrack featuring various artists (including Doctor Lazer) and full Steam integration. Yes, Lethal League will come to Steam in 2014!

Thanks for all the support in 2013!

Happy end of year holidays!

Tim & Dion