Reptile Recap

Next week on May 13 it’s finally time for the apples and penguins to join the Lethal League. We are working on some final fixes to smooth out everything as much as possible. If you already own the game you can join the public beta and help us tracking the remaining issues. On top of the Mac & Linux version we will also update the Windows version with minor additions and fixes. More information can be found here.

This week we added a Team Reptile Instagram account to our social media line-up. The idea is to share more ‘behind the scenes’ stuff with intimate pictures of our interns, unintentional leaks of future projects and Dion’s sick dancing moves. Reasons enough to follow our Instagram.

To wrap this week up we would like to remind you that there are some hype tournaments coming up like the 2v2 Lethal League tournament at Combo Breaker in Chicago 22-24 May. Registration is still open! On top of that you can join the weekly online tournaments hosted by LLtourneys here. These 1v1 double elimination tournaments bring together the top and casual players in some hype matches you should not miss.

Alright, that’s it for this week. We’re outta here!

logidoxify.tumblr.comCredits to Logic for this awesome Switch fan-art.

Switch Cosplay Friday

It’s Friday! Time to get dressed up for the weekend. Raffy did this the right way earlier this month. Look at this amazing Switch cosplay. LOOK AT THAT SKATEBOARD. LOOK! We have one request though. We would love to see some footage of Raffy riding the walls and ceiling as Switch.


Yesterday we opened a 3D art internship position for the second half of 2015, starting august/september). Are you the talented student we are looking for? Check out the vacancy and send us your portfolio as soon as possible because our seats are limited!

Fan-art Friday #7 and caps

After an exciting week with a lot of great responses to our 100k unit announcement and the Lethal League Steam Daily Deal it’s time for some serious stuff.


mdlune.tumblr.comIt has come to our knowledge that the notorious Candyman is pretty popular among the kids. Lune (who made this pink piece of fan-art) knows better and is aware of the dangers of free candy. “Last time someone offered me free candies, things got wrong. Got a 56.000mph ball making soup of my jaw!! x_x”

This week we got a big delivery of sweet Lethal League caps! We will be selling these unlimited edition genuine premium high quality Lethal League caps at the events we will be visiting. On top of that we are also giving away some of those! The first EVER person to get a Lethal League cap is Adam. On Facebook he told us he wants to play the game with his bro Rashel. Easy win! Congratulations Adam (we will reach out to you on FB).


Check out the Lethal League cap on Jelmar, our totally for-real tattooed intern.

We have no more news for you. Go now and have a great weekend!

Lethal League sold over 100k units – heading to other platforms

We are proud to announce that Lethal League has sold over 100.000 units worldwide and has been played for more than 500.000 hours since its release on Steam in August last year. This goes far beyond our expectations!

100kWhat does this milestone mean? It means that we currently have enough resources to keep doing what we love to do, create awesome games. It also means that we think it’s a good idea to bring Lethal League to other platforms starting with Mac & Linux. We will release a Mac & Linux version of Lethal League – including cross platform online multiplayer – on Steam on May 13, 2015.

Even more exciting is the fact that we are working on a console version of Lethal League too! As much as we want to we can’t announce any more details just yet.

Stay tuned for more details and thanks again for supporting us!


Fan-art friday #6 and pictures

Did you know Candyman and Latch are big buddies? We didn’t but according to this great fan-art by Sass they must be big buddies right? Check out her tumblr to see more of Sass‘ work.


Last two weeks we were out in the fields showing Lethal League. It was awesome to meet some of the hardcore Lethal League fans and play some matches with them. On top of that it is always great to introduce new players to the game. Some of the kids were really hooked after a few matches and kept coming back to challenge their friends. Events like these are also the perfect opportunity to stay in touch with the game press and cool youtubers.

Check out some pictures below of Insomnia54 and Dutch Comic Con

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Fan-art and other stuff Friday #5

This morning there was a big power outage (which is pretty rare around here), the above image of Raptor represents the emotional state we were in. Scared, cold and lonely.

ryu-gemini.tumblr.com2Luckily we survived! All game engines are up and running again and we are working on some prrretty cool stuff. Just as Ryu, who created this cool fan-art piece from Raptor!

It has been a while since we showed Lethal League at an event. So it’s time to go out and hit some balls. This weekend (28/29 March) we will be showing Lethal League at the first edition of the Dutch Comic Con.

Next weekend (3/6 April) we will drop down in Coventry (UK) to show Lethal League at Insomnia54. Last year at Insomnia53 the game was live on stage which was pretty cool but this time we will be there in person. Feel free to challenge us!

That’s it for now, have a smashing weekend.

Team Reptile OUT


Survey Winners

Recently we asked you to do a little survey for us. We gathered all the entries and this resulted in quite some interesting information. The survey had close to 1000 entries and we are very thankful for that! From all the entries we randomly picked 5 winners for a Megabyte Punch steam key.

The winners are:
– d.firulev
– shftd
– Javier A. Arrillaga
– dervown
– tafforeaum

Congratulations! If you are one of the winners you should have received the steam key in your inbox. If not, please check your spam. Still no key? Please send us a message at contact at

Interesting statistic: 91% of you would be interested in watching Lethal League tournaments and 72% would be interested in competing in a Lethal League tournament.

If you want to compete in an online tournament the guys from Lethal League Tourneys are hosting weekly tournaments, make sure to join and show them your Switch Flips and Jawbreakers.


You can sign up here:

Have a smashing weekend!


Fan-art Friday #3

Guess what. It’s Friday and we still have loads of incredible fan-art. Since today is a special day we will feature two artists!

First to enter the stage is this Sonata by Nekophelia. Sonata fan-art is quite rare so we were glad to find this piece. What a great style! Check out the rest of Nekophelia’s work here and follow her on twitter.

Even more rare is Dice fan-art. Douglas’ favorite character was Candyman until he started getting good at playing as Dice. So good that he dedicated this nice fan-art piece (he calls it a doodle) to him. Check out the rest of Douglas’ work here

You got some doodles we should see? Feel free to send your work to or share it with us on twitter or facebook.

Fan-art Friday #2

Check out these sick Latch, Candyman and Switch by Thomas Bramall. Our favorite for this set is definitely Switch. That’s exactly how Switch looks at you right before he destroys you with a kickflip.

We are always very excited to see fan-art from fellow game artists. Thomas is a Lead Character artist on Oddworld New ‘N’ Tasty and you can check out the rest of his work here or follow him on twitter @tombramall tda3d.tumblr.com2 tda3d.tumblr.com3


Did you drew some fancy fan-art too? Feel free to send your work to or share it with us on twitter or facebook.